Chapter 13 Plan Extensions


The CARES Act was enacted March 27, 2020 and it allows chapter 13 debtors whose cases were confirmed on or before March 26, 2020 and who are experiencing or have experienced material financial hardship due to the coronavirus to extend their plans for up to 7 years (84 months).

This window to seek a plan extension expires a year from enactment or until March 27, 2021.  Therefore, all term modifications or extensions must be requested and filed prior to March 27, 2021.

Keep in mind that you may always move to reduce your plan term but will be unable to extend it beyond 60 months unless a motion to modify your Plan to extend the term has been filed prior to March 27, 2021.

A Plan extension may help make your case more affordable and prevent dismissal.  If you are interested in extending your Plan term under the CARES ACT, please contact me prior to March 27, 2021 to discuss.